Founded in 1981, for the purpose of identifying, documenting, and making recommendations on current flooring conditions for both preventive (pre-install) and diagnostic (troubleshooting) situations.


Our independent reports give you the confidence to successfully install your flooring!

Call us today 714-970-1088

Solutions Offered

Preventive Testing


Testing before installation is ideal to identify and address potential problems before they occur. We inspect, test, and provide recommendations before flooring is installed. The advantage of pre-testing is to document current conditions of the subfloor; resulting in informed flooring installation decisions. The two types of tests we recommend are:

  • Moisture Vapor Emission (Calcium chloride)
  • Relative Humidity (Meter testing)



When a flooring problem is suspected we investigate and provide recommendations. Common moisture related flooring issues:

  • Bubbling
  • Buckling

  • Cupping

  • Staining

  • Adhesive bleeding

  • And many others



Whether diagnostic or preventive, we provide detailed reporting of current conditions and corrective recommendations. Our reports serve as independent documentation which is invaluable insurance.

Types of Tests

Moisture Vapor Emission

  • Calcium Chloride
  • ASTM Standards



Relative Humidity

  • Wagner Probe
  • Concrete temperature



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© Western Floor Testing